Cures for Leg Cramps

Vitamin and Mineral as Cures for Leg Cramps

Whether pregnancy is a factor, or your legs are cramping for some other reason, leg cramps can be easy to cure naturally. It may take some trial and error. Blood testing or tissue testing may be helpful in determining what you are deficient in. Some vitamins that can cause cramps when depleated are:

Cures for Leg Cramps
Cures for Leg Cramps
  • Vitamin D: Deficiency in vitamin D is known to cause leg cramps at night. In addition, it may also cause weakness or numbness in the legs. Spending time in the sun can help, as this vitamin is made by the body in response to the sun. Vitamin D also has been shown to be a major protector from cancer, so the risks of skin cancer vs. other cancers are debatable. Vitamin D supplementation is an option as well, though it may not be as effective as obtaining vitamin D in its natural form-from the sun. Of course, protective overexposed areas from the sun, such as the face, ears, hands, and shoulders to help prevent sun damage. Moderation is the key.
  • Vitamin B: Vitamin B is a water soluble vitamin. This means that it dissolves in water and is flushed out by the body as a part of the urine. It is therefore essential to keep providing the body with a constant supply of foods that are rich in vitamin B. Studies have shown that vitamin B complex can help to treat painful nocturnal leg cramps.

  • Magnesium: Magnesium is an important nutrient that is needed by the body for a variety of processes. It is found in spinach and other leafy green vegetables. A deficiency in magnesium can cause painful leg cramps, migraines, and also insomnia. Magnesium can help to ease constipation as well, so if you have several of these symptoms, you may want to consider low Mg as a possible culprit.
  • Potassium: Potassium is another important mineral, the lack of which can cause fatigue, muscle tightness, and cramping. It is naturally found in bananas, tomatoes, coconut water, and nuts.
  • Iron: Iron carries out the important function of transporting oxygen in the body.  A lack of iron can be a cause of concern and is often responsible for restless leg syndrome (RLS). Blood tests can reveal anemia (lack of iron) in the body. Iron is found in food items such as red meat, nuts, fish, and poultry. It is also high in spinach and other leafy greens. A doctor may additionally recommend iron supplements, depending on the severity of the deficiency, etc.