Pubic Symphysis Diastasis Remedies

Pubic symphysis diastasis, PSD (AKA: Diastasis Pubis Dysfunction or Pubis Symphysis Dysfunction), can be caused by a lack of mobility in the joints of the pelvis, causing one area to move incorrectly. Because ligaments naturally

relax during pregnancy, this can cause pain to be more pronounced (though the amount of separation is not directly linked to pain levels). Deficiencies can cause ligaments to stretch more than they should and thus, become painful. You can read about how to prevent PSD (pubic symphysis diastasis) elsewhere on the internet, but what I could not find much information on was how to PREVENT PSD (pubic symphysis diastasis, or pubic symphysis dysfuntion) and CURE it if you had it. I could only find how to lessen symptoms by avoiding certain movements. I didn’t want to just suffer through for months until the pregnancy was over if I didn’t have to. After all, why do some people get PSD and others don’t? There’s a reason. We just don’t know what it is.

I looked around and found some information on nutritional factors affecting PSD and tried some of the ones that made sense. First of all, because my nails had started to separate recently (a sign of Zn deficiency), and I can’t taste zinc on a zinc taste-test (call me if you’d like to have this test done. It’s $10 and takes about a minute), I decided to get some Zn. I’d avoided from taking much Zn before because it makes me nauseated. (Also, I’ve had some trouble taking my prenatal vitamins for the same reason so was likely very low). However, I found some chelated Zn through Vitacost.

(I’m not sure that brand matters in this case, although some brands may be more effective than others. I really like the Standard Process products but they are a little more pricey.)

I took 200% RDA twice a day for 2 days and the pain is almost gone! I also added iodine, though I’m pretty sure it was the zinc that helped. Also, fish oil (or other source of DHA and EPA (essential fatty acids) are necessary for proper ligament functioning. These may be worth adding in, as DHA and EPA are essential in pregnancy for baby’s proper brain development. (Also, if you are low in these nutrients, you’ll likely suffer from “pregnancy brain” during and AFTER pregnancy!) 🙁 I would recommend adding in both of these nutrients, preferably from food sources. However, if you are not getting these from food, a supplement is necessary, especially if you are having symptoms! Symptoms are a sign of a problem, not a “normal” part of pregnancy! They may not be a BIG deal, but if you are striving for a healthy baby (who isn’t!?) I’d recommend listening to your body’s signals! If you need help, email me @

One thought on “Pubic Symphysis Diastasis Remedies

  1. What has been your experience with pubic symphysis diastasis/pubic symphysis dysfuntion? Comments welcome!

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