Why One Adjustment is Sometimes Not Enough

Why doesn’t my adjustment hold? Why do I have to keep going back to the chiropractor?

There are many reasons why your adjustment doesn’t hold. Perhaps the most common reason is that, the longer your spine is not moving correctly, the more your body compensates. When it compensates, tissue around the area tenses up and circulation diminishes. When circulation decreases, the area is prone to deterioration. Deterioration can manifest as arthritis, disc damage, spurring of the vertebrae, etc.

What can be done once deterioration has set in? Anything that increases circulation to the area can help the body heal to a degree. Progression of arthritis can be stopped or slowed down, even reversed if the body is given what it needs to heal: proper stimulation, nutrients and time (rest). So, you might be wondering, “what increases circulation?” Circulation can be increased by passive range of motion exercises, which are exercises in which you don’t move the joint with the muscles surrounding the joint. Also, massage techniques increase circulation to the area as well as fascia work, yoga, and stretching.

Signs that an area may be unhealthy include skin that can’t be pinched or pulled off the surrounding tissue, varicose or spider veins, and “cellulite”.

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