What Diet is Right for You?

…Probably not the one we’re (collectively) eating right now!

(Note: DIET meaning what we should eat for optimal health, not for weight loss, per say, as one can be of optimum weight and NOT healthy!)

What diet is right? Is the current food guide pyramid and the ADA recommendations optimal? The earth is flat, right?!

Well, just look at us. Clearly, we’re thriving! I mean, only about 66% of the United States population is overweight, or obese. 1 in 6 children are overweight. Why? Of course, there’s the obvious: processed junk foods, “Healthy” plant-based oils, sugar, refined carbohydrates. (and HOW and WHEN we eat.) Maybe we’ve had it all completely backward all these years. Maybe what we SHOULD be eating is red meat and fat! Has our health as a nation improved since our enlightened eating plan of high carb, low fat vs. eating what our ancestors ate? Meat (with all the fat), animal “parts”, eggs WITH the fatty yolks (collective gasp!) Well, I think that anyone can see that is has NOT.

Truth is, there have not been enough studies to even give a remote idea of what diet is right for us. There are, however, retroactive studies of a population’s diet vs. their collective health. Check out the video below by two medical doctors. Listen before you judge, and see if there’s not something in it that changes your life! Use your own mind and decide for yourself! Check out Dr. Ken Berry below at the bottom of this page, and consider reading his book below this paragraph.

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